Category Archives: Technical Diving Courses

Big Congrats to Dannie!

Evolution, your favourite TDI Facility, is proud to now have two fulltime SDI/TDI Instructor trainers! [...]

The long road to improvement

Guillaume came to Evolution with a dream – to be a more competent diver. Improved [...]

All the Toys, all the time. Want to come and Play?

Evolution has a whole range of toys and training for divers of any background to choose [...]

A Big Week for our Tech Students

  This week while our fun divers have been busy diving with Thresher Sharks and [...]

The Instructor becomes the Student

Studying hard, preparing yourself for class, doing exams, being all nervous how you are doing [...]

Follow the Path to Enlightenment!

Set beside the calming blue waters of the Visayan Sea, The Evolution Dive Wellness Centre [...]

How to be an Elite Diver in 80 dives

Become an elite diver in under 80 dives. from Evolution Diver on Vimeo. Getting the [...]

Guest Blogger – Dannie Holmstedt, PADI and TDI instructor on Tech Diving

Why do a tech course? How does being a tech diver change the way you [...]

Congrats to Joe and Chad – Tech Diving Teamwork at it’s Best!

At Evolution we strive to be a lot more then just a Dive Resort. We try [...]

From Bubble Maker to Technical Rebreather… And everything in between.

If you know much about Evolution you probably know that we are well respected for [...]

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