2015 was a great year for Evolution and it ended on a high when we found out that not only had we retained our position as a Green Fins Top Ten member but we have now climbed higher on the list. This means we have an even smaller impact on the environment now then the last time we were audited.
We are very proud of our Eco awareness and that we are the only dive centre on Malapascua in the top ten and one of only two centres in the Philippines.
We’d like to thank all our staff for working with us to reduce, reuse and recycle and to ensure that we have as positive an impact on the environment and island life as we can.
Thanks also to Green Fins for their continued interest in Malapascua and our delicate marine environment. Malapascua faces many challenges ahead but please remember one of them is damage to our dive sites due to irresponsible diver behaviour so make sure your buoyancy is good and be prepared to leave nothing but bubbles behind.
To dive with an award winning Eco Resort contact us here on info@evolution.com.ph
Green Fins
To protect and preserve Coral Reefs by establishing and implementing environmentally friendly guidelines to promote a sustainable diving and snorkelling tourism industry