Evolution Pilots Communal Septic Tank Project

When the big storm flattened Malapascua last year it blew away a lot of truths about island life. As Evolution busied itself with the reconstruction of hundreds of homes, thanks to the very generous donations of our supporters, we quickly realised how life is for our staff and for our community.

Life is simple. Homes are simple. Facilities are basic or non existent. One idea we had was we wanted to try and give some dignity back to the community and make permanent and meaningful changes to they way some people live. In addition we wanted a project that would have a meaningful impact on our future environment here on the island. We learnt that most people on the island have grown up and lived their full lives without ever having a toilet in their house. For most people reading this it is unimaginable. What if you need to go in the night? Where? How? But . . but . . .

The same goes for washing – most people wash and lather fully clothed in public having no private space to strip and scrub.

Evolution decided to pilot a project installing large, communal triple chambered septic tanks that could be shared by nearby house clusters. We then could install simple but proper toilets into people’s homes along with a private wash area where the grey water drains into a 4th chamber in the tank. By supersizing these tanks we could feed up to 4 toilets into the same system where, over time, the contents would self clean.

Our project will not appear in any fancy interior design magazines anytime soon (Typhoon Chic??) but already dozens of people now have one of life’s simplest luxuries – a private space to conduct the day’s most important business.

Here is Evolution’s own Rolibeth on the subject:

“For hundred of years and many generations right up to now the locals in Malapascua Island doesn’t have there own toilet. The reason is that hundreds of years ago the locals don’t know how to make but today the reason is mostly lack of finances to build it.

Every time we want to answer nature’s call our instinct will tell us to go to the forest and bushes and hide on dark places so no one can spot us, which kinda funny and adventurous because we always keep watching our step also to make sure we cannot step on one of it that the others made and which we did sometimes. 😉 Not having a toilet means also having a wash outside the house with full dress on – Malapascua style.

When the typhoon hit Malapascua people are very sad cause lots of trees are gone (where we hide for the toilet) and also our homes. We were so happy when Evolution and donations sent helped us rebuild new homes and also told us that they are going to do Project Toilet in different communities across the island. First they did a survey for locals with own land and sharing with other families so they can build one big septic and 4 toilets for them. ..For this project which I am helping with in my spare time we hope we can make 20 proper septic for locals who doesn’t have their toilets but have their own land to build it. This people who can avail this are so happy and delighted. The time arrives to have proper body cleanliness and to say goodbyes to the bushes!”

Thanks to your donations Malapascua is working toward a cleaner environment and our septic tank project will continue to offer residents a little dignity and a lot of comfort moving forward. If you want to find out more just contact us on info@evolution.com.ph

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